Ms. Valentine

While I realize it was Valentines Day last week I still wanted to post my image of the week, which I was previously unable to do simply because I ran out of time before being away for the long weekend.

Ms. Valentine, who is more accurately referred to as Mrs. Simpson is the my sweet wife Karla. Due to unfortunate circumstances we were not able to spend Valentines Day together this year, but instead we celebrated with a nice dinner at our favourite Kingston restaurant on Monday.

No “K” in Cuba

I haven’t written a blog post in a while, but I thought I would hop on tonight and express my mixed emotion about my upcoming holiday.

Since, erm… December Karla and I have been planning on going “somewhere warm” for a holiday the end of October / first part of November. I have been excited for quite a while, and when I found out there were actually five or six people game for a vacation, I was uber happy.

Well three weeks ago Karla found out she got a new job!!! YEY FOR KARLA! I am so proud of my wife!!! The down side to this amazing career opportunity of course is that she can no longer go away on our vacation.

Karla was gracious enough (after a minor bribe of the cost of the trip in new clothing) to be understanding and “let” me go away “somewhere warm” without her. So off we go, all four or five of us… oh wait, we had to switch the week we were going because the original date no longer worked for me, which means now two traveling companions also can’t go when we were going. So off we go, all three of us… oh wait, who was the third person anyways?

In summary, the vacation dwindled down to just two of us; myself and my friend Andrew. Which is totally awesome!!!! We are going to have a friggen fantastic time in Cayo Coco, Cuba at the Nh Krystal Laguana for 7 days, all inclusive. I totally can’t wait, I’m so excited.

Oh don’t worry there will be pictures… I will post them when I get back.