Open Letter to Rogers

I am a Rogers customer and have been for 4 years now. I have been anticipating Apple’s iPhone launch in Canada for well over a year, and I even held out on buying a hacked iPhone from the States, because I wanted to buy an “official” one from you guys to celebrate the Canadian launch. Heck, I was even going to wait in a line to buy one… that is until last week.

To my incredible surprise and disappointment, your iPhone plan pricing is in my opinion a complete joke that not only does not benefit me the customer, but also does not benefit your share holders. You are hindering your own long-term success with Apple, by trying to capitalize on your short-term monopoly. I believe your iPhone plans are undermining what Apple is trying to do in the cell phone industry, and I would be surprised if Apple just let you do it.

I just wanted to let someone at Rogers know (even though a human will probably never read this) that I hope you enjoy the 100 iPhones Apple has sent you for your big launch (joke re: Apple sanctioning Rogers), and that the GPS feature is not attractive enough for me now (because of your plan pricing) to not buy a hacked 1st generation iPhone from the net.

Disappointed Customer,
Matt Simpson

One thought on “Open Letter to Rogers

  1. I received a lame generic response from Rogers that I thought I would share. Interestingly enough, there is no mention of their new “special offer” of 60GB’s of data transmission for $30 per month, that they appear to be offering existing customers who want to upgrade to the iPhone.

    Dear Matt Simpson,

    Thank you for taking the time to write to us, we appreciate your use of online customer service.

    In your recent email, you have informed us that you are disappointed with the recently announced voice and data packages for the release of iPhone 3G.

    We are sorry to hear that our iPhone 3G voice and data packages are less than you were expecting. We would like to point out that they do offer more data and airtime than our traditional packages and they also come with the added features of bonus text messages and visual voicemail. However, we appreciate that this release has come with expectations from our customers.

    Each carrier has a different pricing strategy. Rogers has designed a pricing structure that offers high-value, flexible voice and data packages so that Canadians can make the most of their iPhone 3G experience.

    The majority of carriers offering iPhone 3G worldwide do not have
    unlimited plans for this device. Some carriers have implemented a “soft cap” so the plan isn’t truly unlimited. For example, in France the soft cap is 500MB where we have a plan that includes 4 times that amount in your bucket. Unlimited plans could end up costing you more for what you don’t use.

    Based on reports that the average usage for the first generation iPhone was less than 100MB per month, our iPhone 3G plans more than accommodate the vast majority of customers. Rogers and Fido customers get 4 times the data on our $60 entry level plan (400 MB) and 20 times the data on our most comprehensive plan.

    At Rogers we are always aiming to improve service to better meet the needs of our customers and we appreciate your feedback. Your comments will be passed along for further review and consideration.

    For more information please visit our website at

    Thank you for contacting Rogers.

    For future email correspondence with respect to this e-mail, please quote reference number XXXXXXX

    Toni L.
    Rogers Online Customer Service

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