Getting A Trip Into BlackBerry Travel from TripCase

bb10travel BlackBerry Travel is one of my favourite BlackBerry applications of all time. Even when I had my BlackBerry Bold 9900 (which I had a rather strong disliking for), BlackBerry Travel kept me smiling. Needless to say I was delighted when they brought it to BlackBerry 10. I get lost without this application when I travel, literally.

For iOS and Android users that don’t know the awesomeness of BlackBerry Travel, they have TripCase. TripCase seems just fine, I’m sure they have an equally enthusiastic fan base. Unfortunately there isn’t a BlackBerry 10 version, which is fine because I use BlackBerry Travel.

Okay… so the problem is that I recently received an American Airlines flight itinerary directly into TripCase, and there wasn’t an obvious way for me to e-mail myself the itinerary. This means the trip wouldn’t get added to BlackBerry Travel, thus I would end up lost.

To solve this:

  1. Log into the TripCase web interface, and select your trip.
  2. Click the big “Share Itinerary” button at the top.
  3. Add one of your own alternative e-mail addresses (in my case I used GMail’s awesome +whatever trick), and be sure to check off the “Share Itinerary” checkbox.
  4. Once you receive the shared TripCase itinerary e-mail, forward it to from your real BlackBerry Travel e-mail address.

Within a few minutes if all goes well, your TripCase itinerary will now be in BlackBerry Travel. Now you won’t get lost! Happy travels.

A Real Christmas Vacation

Christmas is and has pretty much always been a hectic and chaotic event in the Simpson house. My wife and I usually have only a few days to complete the full “Christmas rounds” (i.e. father’s, in-laws, extended family in-laws, mother’s, extended family, etc) 450 kilometres away and then head home to head back to work. Not this year!

My wife and I had just moved into a wonderful new house this past summer (no not this house, but that’s a story for another time) and invited our full “Christmas rounds” guests our way for the holidays.

We had originally planned to have everyone down at the same time, like a good old fashioned Griswold family Christmas, but it didn’t work out quite that way as some had to work, some had travel arrangement problems, and some were well, tired.

Never-the-less we ended up hosting and enjoying a very nice Christmas, and got to see much of our family in the comfort our own home, which is one of the best Christmas presents we could have received.

Zero-Seven Random Weekend

Destination RandomThis is a message to inform Karla, Greg and Jocelyn that you have been chosen to participate in a random event, code-named Zero-Seven Random Weekend. While the details of the event will not be disclosed you will need to know a few things in order to complete the weekend successfully, safely and enjoyably.

  • The date of the event will be e-mailed to you separately.
  • You will not likely be getting a lot of sleep during the time that we are away. Please rest up before we leave and prepare yourself for a low-sleep situation as best you can. This means very early mornings and likely very late nights. This is not a relaxing event, be forewarned.
  • You must have a valid drivers licence and it must not expire before June 30th, 2007. If it does, you must renew it long before hand in order to attend. Please check your expiry date to ensure this.
  • You must have a valid health card with you (of course) in case of emergency. Again, please check your expiry date to ensure it is valid.
  • You must bring comfortable footwear as we will be doing a lot of walking and there are big hills. Not necessarily hiking boots, but something comfortable.
  • You need 3 days worth of your “normal” clothing. I recommend a backpack and / or small bag that you can carry with you without getting too frustrated if you need to carry it for several hours at a time.
  • You may want to bring a bathing suit (not required, up to you).
  • You will want to bring your camera.
  • You will need to have some money with you. Bring some cash, maybe $50.00-ish. You can use credit cards in some cases.
  • Make sure you bring your sense of adventure, it will be a pretty fun weekend.

The name of the event says it all… Random Weekend. I am sure that it is technically possible to figure out parts of what is planned for the weekend, but part of the fun is the unknown, right! Ponder it for a while, perhaps discuss it, but don’t overburden yourself. Let me take care of the details.

An English Adventure 2006-07

This Christmas, for the first time in our lives, my wife and I travelled over the chilly North Atlantic to see for ourselves what the “Old World” really felt like. The first purpose of our journey I suppose, was to visit my adventurous younger sister, who about five months ago moved from Canada to Peterborough, England for a job opportunity. Having my sister in Peterborough was fantastic, because it allowed us not only to see where and how she lives, but also because it ended up saving us quite a bit of money, which in turn allowed us to stay for nearly three weeks. The second purpose of our trip was business; I intended on meeting a few colleagues, with whom I do ListMessenger-related business with, as well as a web-hosting client of mine.
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