Monday, mid-day

I’m working away here on a typical October, dreary, Monday afternoon with a hot Tim Hortons coffee, feeling a bit run down after my weekend adventure visiting the parents & in-laws in Exeter (the town in which I grew up and have a complex relationship with). It is nice to visit them and all my childhood friends, but it’s always nice to return to “my” town. Anyone who’s moved away from their childhood town knows what I’m talking about.
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An Excuse to Blog

I’ve tried several times over the past few years to actually get into this new fandangled “Social Internet” culture that has since exploded. I believe that I may have finally found a way to integrate all of these social applications into one environment. Flock []. Flock indeed to Flock.

I can finally do everything in one application, with little effort. I know, I know, I could install extensions / plug-ins before, but I use two different computers, it was always a PIA. Lets face it, I’m lazy, you’re lazy, we’re all lazy. Everything we do and everything we build is to make our lives easier and more efficient. Flock seems to be what I’ve been waiting for.

Okay, I realize I’ve only been using Flock for one hour, so I’ll continue to update this blog on how I actually find it over the next few weeks / months. Until then, have a nice day.

Chuck Announces Retirement

I can honestly say that Graphic Design at SLC is a hard program. There are many sleepless nights, many times when you want to give up and many times you really hope that it will all be worth it in the end!

In first year, I thought Chuck was the devil, or at least good friends of the devil. He was a hard teacher, never repeated himself, always expected a lot, and didn’t seem that friendly. I remember one night when I decided to go to an I Mother Earth concert instead of doing my homework for his class. It was a crappy concert and I tried to do it when I got home at 3am, but it was less than half ass. Continue Reading…

Silentweb Reborn

Out of the mist once again rises Silentweb… haha, yeah right, but seriously thank-you to everyone who has been on my case for the past year, asking me when my site is going to be up and running again. It’s a good feeling to know that you have loyal visitors, some may say stalkers, who enjoy what I have to offer. Well you have probably noticed already that I don’t have any services listed up. “Awe, what happened to all your great free services” Dave from Baltimore asks. Well everyone, Silentweb will no longer be offering services at this site, but have no fear, I’ve created a site strictly dedicated to services. “Hurray” Dave from Baltimore responds. Yes, it’s true, but they are not all running yet, but they will be available soon from DigitalOrphans [].
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