E-Mail Inefficiencies

Today was the straw the broke the camel’s back on the topic of e-mail. As a server administrator I deal with e-mail servers regularly and as any e-mail administrator knows, spammers are evil. Their tactics are such a pain, causing nothing but problems and stress on servers around the world. It’s also no secret that I’ve often wished “SpamAssassin” was actually an elite Ninja squad who specialized in removing the extremities of selfish good-for-nothing spammers.

That said, spam was not the issue today… it was actually a “legitimate message” that tipped the scale of sanity. The e-mail in question was several pages long and consisted of several people replying to messages, replying to CC’s and talking about something that some how I am involved with (because I was CC’d). Since I was CC’d on only the last few messages it’s now up to me to sort through the disgusting mess of in-line responses since the beginning and find out what the hell this has to do with me.

After about an hour of reading to figure out who-is-who and who-is-saying-what I find that right in the middle of the mess is my name as a contact (used as an incorrect reference to a project I had little to do with). So now I’ve just spent an hour of my life figuring out this whole twisted problem to find out I really don’t have anything to do with it.

The more I deal with e-mail, the less efficient I believe it is becoming. Not because of the technology itself of course, but because of how it’s being used and abused. HTML messages with colours and picutures, long correspondence, complex issues and the lack of security behind SMTP are all contributing factors to my continuing hatred of my e-mail account.

At present I do not know a solution to the problem… it seems to me like going back to usenet for business correspondence may be a solution worth investigating. What’s old is new again, isn’t that right? Perhaps with all the new social Internet concepts someone will develop something that becomes more useful and business oriented… who knows.

Until then… if you e-mail me and require any sort of response, your best bet is to keep it to the point and text-only. If you have a secret about how to efficiently handle 100 or so messages per day, for love of grey, tell me, I’m all ears.

Another Bump in the 2006 Track

On my continued report of 2006, I’ll say that the second week ended with a bit of a bump. I was sitting at home on Friday evening and around 8:20PM my telephone rings… It was my wife, stating she had just been in a car accident.

I jumped up off the couch, wrestled with trying to get a stubborn sock on my foot and sped off to the intersection she gave me to make sure everything was OK. Upon arrival a spectator filled me in on what she saw happen… my wife was in the middle of the road turning left and clearing the intersection on a yellow light, when another car tried to make it through the yellow / red light. It just so happens that the car that tried to beat the light was a female off-duty OPP officer, who we’re told is a sweet-heart.

This unfortunate accident resulted in both parties being charged. Karla got “Left turn – fail to afford reasonable opportunity to avoid collision” which is a $110 fine and 4 points. We’re still thinking about whether to fight this in court or not, because the fact is that Karla did nothing wrong, she did exactly what she was supposed to do.

All in all, Karla’s poor new Yellow Saturn is pretty much destroyed and we’re waiting to hear from the insurance company as to what the verdict is as to whether it is a write-off or not.

We’re just so lucky that both Karla and Tanya are OK and I’ll definitely be giving updates on this as they happen. I’m especially interested in blogging about dealing with an insurance company for the first time. We have all of our insurance through State Farm and have always been happy dealing with our local office, this should be a good test of their system.

Experience Log with State Farm:

[-] Small Issue:
My local office wasn’t open on the weekend so I had to wait until today to talk to them. We could have filed the claim with the 24 hour toll-free number, but I’d rather talk to my local people.

[+] Positive:
First thing Monday morning I was speaking with my local office and they got everything started for me right away. They asked a few questions and said I should expect a call shortly from a claims officer. I was called within an hour and the lady setup a rental car for my wife, and contacted the garage where the car was towed. Easy as pie thus far.

Rollercoaster First Week of 2006

After not blogging much over the Holidays this year I have a few important life-notes to blog about today. Two Thousand and Six has started out with a major up and down, and staying true to chronological order I’ll start with the bad before the good.

.: The Bad News :.
On January 2nd, 2006 my Grandmother passed away in the hospital after falling ill two weeks prior. I miss her already and wish I would have spent more time with her and called her on the telephone just a bit more often. Human nature I guess, to need something tragic to happen before realizing what you’re missing.

My wife and I left for Richmond, Quebec at the end of last week to attend my Grandmothers visitation, funeral and burial. I’m so glad I had the opportunity to be there and shake hands with the the few hundred people that showed up at the visitation. Many of them told a few stories of how they knew and will remember her and everyone paid their respects. The funeral service was short but powerful and finally the burial took place a top a snow covered cemetery in Ulverton, Quebec where she was laid to rest beside my Grandfather who passed away 12 years earlier.

I will always remember and cherish the times throughout my life I have spent with my Grandmother Simpson and I thank her for all my great memories. I would also like to thank my wife, Karla Simpson, for all of her incredible love and support during this difficult time. Karla; you are an amazing person and great to me and I love you with all my heart.

.: The Good News :.
On January 2nd, 2006 a long time friend (and ex-girlfriend actually) Cassie, asked me to be her “Man-of-honour” in her wedding this summer. She actually called me only a few hours after I had found out my grandmother had passed away, so I was sort of at a low-point, a bit confused at first, but delighted none-the-less. After I had a few minutes to let everything sink in I realized what an honour had been bestowed upon me… I don’t know any other weddings who have had a man standing up with the bride. I only had two small reservations before agreeing to the title.

  1. No matter how cute I’d look, I would not be wearing a dress / skirt of any sorts to the wedding.
  2. I will not be accompanying her to a male strip clubs at any time for her bachelorette party or any other event.

After both conditions where agreed to with a few laughs, I accepted and I am really looking forward to to accompanying her on her wedding day, August 5th, 2006.

A bit of history behind Cassie… she’s an army brat that moved around a lot when she was younger. I met her through another really good friend of mine, Kevin Hogan, while he was dating her during our first year of high-school. After Kev and her broke up, Cassie and I briefly dated for a few months and then called it quits before she moved away. After she moved, we always kept in touch, keeping each other up to date on our lives, friends, family, etc. I have always found it interesting to hear Cassie grow up over the past 10 years and see her settle down with her fiance John, who from what I know, is a really nice guy and perfect match for Cassie’ personality.

Thank-you Cassie and John for the opportunity, I’m looking forward to seeing you both again soon.

Christmas vs. The Global Village

This topic just does not want to die and I need to blog about it to get the anger out of my system.

Every year, the same group of idiotic wanna-be Christian enthusiasts whine and complain that more and more people are not saying “Merry Christmas”, but instead are saying “Happy Holidays” or “Seasons Greetings”. As far as I can tell, their argument has always been “It’s Christmas time, stop taking Christ out of Christmas. This is the time of year that we celebrate the baby Jesus…”, and so on and so forth.
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A Christmas Present from Microsoft

I love Macs. I use one at work, I use one at home and I use one on the go (laptop). I also work with a lot of people and teach a lot of students who also use Macs… One of the most consistently annoying things for me about working in an Apple environment has historically been people using Internet Explorer for Mac. It’s one of those things that irks me.

“Normal” people may not understand why it bothers me and probably think I just have vendetta against Microsoft or something (which I may, but that’s besides the point), even though I try to clearly explain that Microsoft Internet Explorer for Mac, is not the same as Internet Explorer for PC. IE for Mac is ancient, under developed and in my opinion, irresponsibly available to Mac users who don’t know any better.
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A Week Unwound

This week was a crappy tech week, filled with server / network stresses, security vulnerability releases and spammers. To get some closure on these issues, I thought I’d blog about them a bit.

Our network provider, iWeb Technologies, was unable to solve an on-going router issue somewhere between their network and Pier1’s backbone. This router issue resulted in my servers primary IP address being inaccessible indefinitely until I logged in and ran a command to notify their router I was still there… highly annoying for me and my customers, I’m sure. Their only immediate solution to this problem is to have me run “arping” in cron every minute, which tells their routers my servers MAC address. The long term solution is to have me migrate from their old network to their new BGP network. Moving to the new network is a great long-term solution, but it requires a whole new set of IP addresses and moving 8 name servers with 260 domains is a bit stressful. Either way, so waking up in the morning and finding out your server is not accessible tends to ruin every day of the week. This issues has been “resolved” with the cron job now, but still.
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The Case of the Missing Brownies

When someone promises to bake you chocolate brownies with sprinkles and bring them into work for you the next day, you sort of get excited. Who doesn’t love chocolate brownies? Free ones! Homemade? Yummy.

So I come into work this morning, with my bib and a glass of milk… but where are the brownies? Catherine (our administrative assistant) decided she had better things to do last night than fulfill her promises and obligations to bake us chocolate brownies with sprinkles.

I for one am appalled and hurt; the betrayal… well, I’m not sure it will ever leave me. *sigh* Just when you think you know someone…

Best Regards,
Matt Simpson

Eating My Own Tongue

Last night my wife and I along with a friend (Greg) went out to Moxie’s for a good dinner and a beer. I can’t seem to get enough of their ranch-house chicken burger, spicy fries and basel mayo dip. Yum. Either way, while I was attempting to eat the yummy yummy fries, my teeth for whatever reason got angry at my tongue and attacked. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve bitten my lip / cheek / tongue before, but damn, this time there is actually a chunk out of the side of my tongue causing me constant pain and slurring of words.

So my two-bit piece of advice for the day: chew slowly and keep your tongue away from your teeth. Teeth aren’t always friendly, they will turn on you and attack without warning.

Best Regards,
Matt Simpson

gDisk + gMail = Sweet Online Storage

Being a techie person I haven’t often been writing about techie sorts of things, so here’s one for you. I stumbled across a very nifty little application today called gDisk that uses Google gMail’s 2.5GB of storage as a portable hard drive by allowing any Mac user to connect to and store data in their gMail account. These aren’t stored as e-mails or anything, the data is just stored in your account. It’s a very neat system, I recommend checking it out.

This got me thinking, Google is missing a couple of things:

1) They should allow you to connect by WebDAV to “Google Disk” or “Google Central” or something like that. This service should be a central storage engine for all your Google data (Base, gMail, etc).

2) I really wish they offered IMAP to connect to gMail vs. just POP3. I’ve grown to really hate POP3. Just a thought anyways.

Either way, check out that gDisk application if you’re on a Mac.

Best Regards,
Matt Simpson

Duh, It Can’t Thunder When It Snows! Can It?

So I was sitting here at work listening to music, working on some database stuff during the first major snow fall of 2005, when all of a sudden I hear what sounds like thunder. I quickly shrugged it off as a snow plow and went back to work. A couple minutes later our administrative assistant comes in and says “Did you hear the thunder?”, to which I replied, “It can’t thunder during I snow storm, it was a snow plow.” We both looked out the window and saw the roads were still snowy but I didn’t think anymore about it until I heard it again (this time the music was off). It rumbled and rumbled and rumbled. So of course what do I do? I jump on the net (I actually went to Ask Jeeves first because sometimes Google doesn’t answer questions that well). Sure enough I see “Thundersnow”. Can you believe it? Who would-a thought.

Morale of the story: To save yourself from looking like an ass by saying it can’t thunder when it’s snowing, learn about weather phenomena like Thundersnow.

Best Regards,
Matt Simpson